Pastor John Collins: our resilient spirit How many of us have not felt despair asks Pastor John Collins of John Collins Ministries? Things happen in this life we live here that are sad, dark, scary, ugly and leave us feeling like we want to curl into a fetal position and just stay there. That darkness is of Satan and it is meant for us to be separated from God who loves us. It gives that evil being pleasure to know he can torture God’s creations. We know pain because it’s part of this world, says Pastor John Collins. So many of us do not know how to handle the pain because society has driven God from church, family, and home. There is an epidemic of narcotic and opioid use that is out of control. Alcoholism destroys families and individuals. The agony of this life is overwhelming at times and we simply are at a loss to understand how to cope. Pastor John Collins reminds us: the answer is faith. ...